Welcome to Pre-School!
In Pre-School we work on a 1:8 ratio. There are 3 members of staff who work within the room Sarah (Room Leader, SENCO, Assistant Manager), Debbie (Deputy Room Leader), Emma (Level 3 Practitioner), Hannah (Apprentice).
Here in Pre-School, we like to encourage the children to be independent. Self serving at breakfast, lunch and dinner times are just few little steps we embolden to develop this skill. With clearly labelled resources and equipment within the room, the children are able to take lead in their own learning.
We offer free flow opportunities throughout the day because we strongly believe that the outdoor environment is just as important as indoors. This gives the children an opportunity to investigate, problem solve, take risks and have fun through their learning. We carry out smaller group times where activities are adapted based on the specific needs of the children and we offer Forest School sessions four times a week. These alternate between AM and PM sessions to allow all children to have the opportunity to take part.