
The Government offer funded hours for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may be entitled to 15 or 30 hours. There are several options on how you can use your funding here at Sunnydale Nursery.

Two Year Funding:
If eligible, your child can attend 3 sessions term time only (days are dependent on availability) 8am-1pm. You can provide your child with a packed lunch, or we can provide snacks and lunch at a cost of £12 per week. If you work, you can use your child’s 15 hours and top up where necessary. We will require your TYF code prior to booking a place.

3 & 4 Year Funding:
15 hours: The term after a child turns 3 years of age, they are eligible for 15 hours of childcare. You may use these at a school nursery or at a Private Pre-School such as Sunnydale. We offer these in either full day sessions (8am-6pm) Mornings (8am-1pm) or afternoons (1-6pm) The funding covers the cost of education only, therefore there is a small food cost. Alternatively, you can provide your child with a packed lunch and their own snack. We offer these 15 hours during term time only.

3 & 4 Year Funding
30 hours: The term after a child turns 3 years of age, you are working a minimum of 16 hours at National Minimum Wage but earning under 100,000 per year, you may be eligible for the Government’s 30 hour childcare- more information and to check eligibility can be found on the Childcare Choices website. Some schools offer these hours and you can also share the hours between two different settings. As an example, you can use 15 hours at a school setting and 15 hours with us (dependent on availability- please give us a call to discuss this further)
These hours can be used during term time only 38 weeks at 30 hours per week) or across the whole year (51 weeks at 22.38 hours per week)
The funding covers the cost of education only, therefore there is a small food cost. Alternatively, you can provide your child with a packed lunch and their own snack. We will require your 30 hour code prior to booking a place.